For a SIM Enabled Gateway, follow these steps:
1. Power Reset: Perform a power reset on the gateway. This requires being onsite.Turn the gateway off for a 30 seconds, then back on.
2. Check for SIM Card: Open the gateway and ensure there is a SIM card installed.
3. Check the Light Indicator: If the light starts pulsing blue, this indicates a successful internet connection.
4. Move Gateway Location: If you still encounter issues, try moving the gateway to a different location to reduce potential interference.
5. Last Resort: If there's still no connection, move the gateway outside and plug it in to check connection. If it shows a pulsing blue light, a connection is established. If it does not, contact support for a replacement gateway.
For an Ethernet Enabled Gateway, follow these steps:
1. Check port network: Verify port 1700 is open for communication.
2. Power Reset: Perform a power reset on the gateway. This requires being onsite.Turn the gateway off, then back on.
3. Check Wire Connections: Verify that all wire connections are secure.
4. Disconnect Ethernet: If your gateway uses an Ethernet connection, disconnect the Ethernet and power cables for 30 seconds.
5. Reconnect Connections: Reconnect all cables.
6. Check the Light Indicator: If the light starts pulsing blue, this indicates a successful internet connection.
7. Move Gateway Location: If you still encounter issues, try moving the gateway to a different location to reduce potential interference.
8. Last Resort: If there's still no connection, move the gateway outside and plug it in. If it shows a pulsing blue light, a connection is established. If it does not, contact support for a replacement gateway.