When paired with any of our resource monitoring products, our energy audit software, CloudVU can provide granular, up-to-the-minute, real-time data. Our solution is designed to make it easy to find ongoing opportunities for optimization of your facility performance.
Not to get too technical, but CloudVU delivers end-to-end, contextualized visibility of real-time energy and sensory data for facilities across the globe.
CloudVU delivers end-to-end, contextualized visibility of real-time energy and sensory data for facilities across the globe.
CloudVU is engineered using a leading-edge graph database architecture, enabling unlimited, dynamic contextual relationships, and exceptionally fast data processing.
CloudVU easily connects to any application utilizing simple to integrate, configurable Webhooks and APIs for push/pull access to real-time data visibility.
Utilizing graph database architecture, CloudVU enables dynamic relationships for data from multiple sensors and other sources, delivering a single view of contextualized data.
CloudVU is built on world-class cloud and database infrastructure, ensuring best-in-class security and performance. Vutility sensors feature dual-cypher encryption for additional peace of mind.
CloudVU offers instant visibility to real-time energy data with native integrations for third-party visualization tools.